
华人创业协会(Chinese Entrepreneur Association, CEA) 是一个由基督徒企业家及专业人士组成的501(c)3 非营利性机构,1998年成立于费城,并相继在波士顿,费城/德拉瓦,渥太华,及新泽西设立分会。过去十数年中借着年会,特会及工作坊帮助了许多创业者,专业人士及学生。

CEA 的宗旨:为基督徒企业家及专业人士提供培训交流平台,在个人的岗位上,做盐发光,以此来影响世界,广传福音。

CEA 的使命:在商场及职场上 影响生命,改变生命,成全生命,彰显生命。


Frank W. Lee, Ph.D.

Frank 是已退休的制药业高管,他有38年的业界经验。他现在是业内独立顾问同时担任CBCGB 的社青团契的辅导。 Frank 于1957年接受耶稣基督为他个人救主—从那以后他一直在各地华人基督教会和校园的华人学生基督团契积极服事。


Denise Chen, Ph.D. (陳怡丹)

Denise 现在是生物技术领域的技术市场顾问。她过去两年在上海张江高科技园作为公司亚太首席科学家创立了位于上海的办公室,实验室以及团队的亚太市场销售总部。她在生物技术领域有7年多的产品研制开发及技术支持市场推广的经验。
Denise 曾在哈佛医学院从事心脏病和癌症研究,她是加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院的博士。赴美留学前她从浙江大学本科毕业。

Yuhua Li, Ph.D.(李雨华)

李博士是Foresee Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的创始人之一,目前担任研究与发展方面的副总裁。 他的职责包括战略规划、研发预算、日常业务活动、知识产权(IP)和产品组合方面的管理。李博士曾在QPS任配方研发总监,负责产品的研究和开发工作。 同时,他也作为一个共同发明者在Foresee Pharmaceuticals, Inc.发明了新型控释给药技术平台技术。李博士拥有超过15年药物输送和医药产品开发领域的医药行业经验。1999年5月至2004年6月,在其加盟QPS前,李博士曾在FeRx Incorporated以首席科学家的身份领导一个研究小组,负责开发磁靶向给药系统。李博士还负责化学制造与控制(CMC),并向美国FDA成功申报了一项IND。他还为另一项IND在中国国家药品监督管理局(SDA)的批准而做出杰出贡献。此外,李博士还在FeRx任职期间,获得过两项来自NIH的SBIR项目资助。从1997年到1999年,李博士作为资深科学家,在GeneMedicine公司负责基因传递和配方开发领域的工作。李博士在南卡罗来纳州的克莱姆森大学获得化学博士学位,其后他在北卡罗莱纳州的University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill进行化学方面博士后的培训。

David Wu

自1990年以来,David Wu便担任位于新泽西州East Brunswick,Accuview Inc.的总裁,迄今为止已有超过25年的服务、OEM自有品牌和LCD液晶显示器商务及工业制造方面的经验。



David于1985年在Beaumont Texas的Lamar University获得硕士学位。1981年在淡江大学获得了轮机工程学士学位。

Qianwen (Wendy) Wen, MBA/MS

Qianwen (Wendy) Wen is a seasoned Digital Analyst and Data-driven Marketing Strategist with extensive digital marketing experience from Global Advertising Agency and Fortune 500 Companies in both China and US. Wendy holds a MBA/MS dual degree in eCommerce and IT management from Temple University. Currently Wendy is the Digital Optimization Program Manager for K12 Inc., a leading K to 12 online educator in DC area while part-time managing her private Digital Optimization Consultancy (eTelligency.com). Prior to above roles, Wendy assisted over 400 small businesses in Delaware with a focus to leverage digital solutions with data-driven approach for smart growth and Awarded 2013 Delaware State Star by American Small Business Development Association for her contribution to the successful creation of “Digital Compass” program as a model program to scale her digital focus. Wendy has participated in CEA activities since 2008 and assisted in building Delaware local chapter since 2010”.

Elaine Kung, MS

Elaine Kung is passionate about mentoring and leading others to success, investing in hundreds of mentees and students around the world. Elaine is a frequent speaker at universities, non-profits, churches, and conferences in the States and overseas on leadership, career development, marriage, parenting, and various life skills to audiences of thousands for over three decades, e.g. 20 talks in March 2019, 5 weeks speaking trips in Asia in July 2019. Elaine received such recognitions as Women of Color STEM Career Achievement Industry Award, Successful Women in Business, Most On-Fire Manager. Elaine speaks from her personal journey integrating her Calling, Career and Community experiences – grew up in poverty in Hong Kong, immigrated to the States as a refugee, life changing from “trouble maker” to “peace maker” when becoming a Christ follower in 1981, earned her B.S. in E.E./M.S.E. from Cornell, her M.S. in E.E. from Princeton, her Executive Education from Columbia, Cornell and U Penn Wharton, retired from 33 years of rewarding career as AT&T Director, founded and lead Called To Work to help others to be their best at work and take Jesus to work, serve on a few Boards and as a church Elder, married for 33 years and raised 2 adult children.

Qinhai Xia, MBA/MS

Qinhai has 15 years of direct investment experience including transactions in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania while working for Liberty Mutual Investments, Harvard Endowment, and United Technologies. Prior to his investment career, Qinhai spent 7 years as a software programmer for a variety of industries.

He holds an MBA from Yale, MS in Computer Science from University of Pennsylvania, and BS in Computer Science from Gordon College.

He became a believer in 1997 and serves in Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston. He is married with two children.


Local Chapter Contacts

Boston – Frank Huang (617) 331-8930
Delaware Valley – Yu-Hua Li  3024383601
New Jersey – David Wu (201) 951-1964
davidwu AT accuview.com
Ottawa – Fay Chao (613) 563-4850
faychao AT gmail.com
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